Why set up iLegallyAfford?


My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humour, and some style.” – Maya Angelou

I believe in together we stand and support each other, shoulder to shoulder, hold hands with every human of every color, because together we rise, and we shall stand up against injustice & inequality forever so that we can live in a democratic society where injustice is not the law” –  Phoebe Olesi.


I was subjected to years of abuse by a local council and its legal representatives, including false accusations, bullying, blackmail, presentation of misleading evidence and more.  Throughout this process, I’ve continued to fight – not just for myself but for every other person who is, or may be, failed by the lack of income necessary to pay for legal interventions against unjust treatment, as a result lack access to justice because Employment Tribunal   law is complex and expensive to use.

The GMP requested  evidence  of Stockport Council’s  letter with an “allegations management form in 2015” which included sensitive personal information. Internal emails from Stockport council stated, “the council has no evidence that suggests PM represents an immediate risk to  the safety of herself and others”.

Participation in Channel is voluntary and confidential and is not a criminal sanction. It is, in my respectful view, entirely regrettable that individuals within the Council, who confess to having no medical training, persistently shared untrue information with third parties with impunity and, without my consent in bad faith.

My reputation has been significantly harmed in this regard and, whilst of course I recognise the genuine duty to disclose concerns under Section 26 CTSA, these circumstances did not, legitimately, fall into the relevant categories as proven by Counter Terrorism.

The most difficult thing I’ve ever had to do was to  leave behind the nights of terror and fear in order to rise and bring forward the gifts that my ancestors gave to me. I am the dream and the hope of individuals  who have suffered emotional and psychological damage as a result of their experiences, which can affect their ability to work and move on.


I always look at it as the one event that has had the biggest positive impact in my life so far. Without suffering from Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), I wouldn’t be as self-assured and happy as I am today as I sought help from clinical psychologists . I would never have started writing again, which has led me down an incredible path where I have  started setting up IlegallyAfford, for which I have submitted a social enterprise application. I am also currently writing a book on my experience with the Employment Tribunal and, my dream is to create a documentary.

The only safeguard litigants in person have is the right to a legal representative defence and they don’t get that. Civil legal aid is no longer available for either advice or representation in employment law matters, including  discrimination claims under the Equality Act 2010. Due to the failure of our justice system in providing civil legal aid  to provide for either advice or representation, litigants in person lack a knowledge of the law and tribunal procedure by failing to choose the best cause of action defence and present their case in the Tribunal.